Nick Shorter Nick Shorter

Dead weight!

Running long distance can be boring. It can be soul sapping and something you want over and done with as soon as possible. Often we pay a lot to enter races, we get up super early to train, in all weathers, we become fastidious about kit. None more so than multi-day races where you carry all your own food, water, kit, sleeping systems. Every gram seems to add to the misery, and nags at you on mile 50 that you’ve carried this useless collection of material around with you…

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Nick Shorter Nick Shorter

Armed Forces Covenant

We are very pleased to have formally registered our Armed Forces Covenant this month. This is an extremely important act for us, with some of our team having served and have many generations of our family having served when our country required us to.

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Nick Shorter Nick Shorter

Design for Maintenance

Burning oil is never nice over your hands, but this is the required sacrifice a mechanic must make every time they change the oil on some motorcycles.

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